For inquiries related to our products, our sales representatives will respond.

  • PhonePhone

    Daiichi Chinmi Co., Ltd.
    Head Office:0721-31-9000

    Reception hours: Monday to Friday JST AM9:00~PM5:00
    (Note: Excluding weekends, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer vacation periods.)


    Daiichi Chinmi Co., Ltd.

    Reception hours:Monday to Friday, 24 hours.
    ※Excluding weekends, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer vacation periods.
    ※Please be sure to include your contact information.

  • EmailEmail

    Please send your inquiry via the contact form below.

    The content of your inquiry will be responded to by the relevant personnel based on your feedback or the nature of the inquiry.
    ※Please be sure to include your contact information.

Inquiry Form

Items marked withare required information.

Company Name

Your Name

Email Address

Postal Code


Phone Number

Inquiry Details
